

4 thoughts on “Simple. Unique. Beautiful: Newborns with Jenni Jones”

  1. Jenni Jones Newborn Breakout Review:

    I am SO glad that I signed up for this breakout. I think I have watched every video at least twice. Jenni, You Rock!! Your videos are so chill. I really appreciate the depth you went into when doing these for our benefit. Thank you!!

  2. Diamond in the rough! I think that is enough said. But I will continue…. Amazing Jenni is so clear and straight to the point. I love it can’t wait until she has another breakout.

  3. I am not a CM member but I wanted to write a review about the breakout session with Jenni Jones. I hope to become a CM member soon though! Fabulous Fabulous Fabulous information! I can’t thank her enough for all the information she has provided and it hardly cost anything. I think it should of cost more (i’m not complaining tho!). Thank you for taking the time, Jenni, to provide us with your expertise and very informative information. You don’t understand how much you are helping myself and other photographers! It’s nice to know that there are people in the world that love to help others pursue their dreams and make this their full time career. That is my dream and I am going to continue to work hard towards that and you’ve been a big part of that and I will continue to take any sessions/workshops you provide. I recommend this to anyone and everyone! Who provides you with a 62 page PDF that guides you from start to end on a newborn session and includes videos, contract/questionnaire info, etc.?! This is fantastic!!!!! SIGN UP SOON IT ENDS MAY 21!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you thank you thank you!

    -Michelle (username: michy1256)

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